Alan Rimwell en la Emperatriz Divorciada | |
Age | 25 years old (Aproximately) |
Appearance | Tall and thin, brown hair and green eyes. |
Personality | He seems quite submisive to his father Loteshu orders. He is a good father that cares about Ian, the first son of Rastha. He takes care of him himself, with some Nannies. |
History | Who is Alan Rimwell? Son of Viscount Loteshu, involved in various political and personal intrigues. He had a relationship with Rashta while she worked in her family’s home as a slave, but his family didn’t aprove of them together. She got pregnant and they had a son, who she was told died in childbirth, but was actually hidden from her. She proposed running away together after that, but he refused, didn’t want to lose his nobility benefits (but also had to take care of the child but she didn’t know). |
Relationships | Vizconde Loteshu: Padre. Rashta: Ex pareja. Conexiones complicadas debido a intrigas pasadas. |
Habilities | Nada destacable. |
Curiosities | He is quite older than Rastha that was just above the age or under age when they started their relationship and got her pregnant. I was a really terrible thing what they did to Rashta hiding the baby from her and making her think he was dead. Spoiler
Also, after giving birth and recovering, when she tried to convince him to run away… they should have had intimacy again so she got pregnant again, and her second child Glorym is from Alan too.